It is 3.7 Km Distance between U.ST & INFOSYS. It is being constructed on a 179 Cents of Land. It will have 28 villas in total. Here two type of plan (TYPE A & B) each villas has different type of cents and square feet area. All villas has double storied, each villas has individual bore well, Car parking, Compound wall, Electricity, Modular kitchen, ...
It is 3.7 Km Distance between U.ST & INFOSYS. It is being constructed on a 179 Cents of Land. It will have 28 villas in total. Here two type of plan (TYPE A & B) each villas has different type of cents and square feet area. All villas has double storied, each villas has individual bore well, Car parking, Compound wall, Electricity, Modular kitchen, ...
Nelluwaya center Kunnamkulam – Wadakkanchery main road side 10.68 cent, BTR nilam , old land , btr tharam mattam ongoing , cent 16 lakh , good for commercial purpose
Nelluwaya center Kunnamkulam – Wadakkanchery main road side 10.68 cent, BTR nilam , old land , btr tharam mattam ongoing , cent 16 lakh , good for commercial purpose